Home Amazon onsite interview plan

Amazon onsite interview plan

LP questions

  • Tell me about a time when you gave a simple solution to a complex problem.
  • Tell me about a time where you were criticized and how you handled it.
  • Why do you want to work for Amazon and why this is the right time?
  • Tell me a time where you missed a deadline.
  • Tell me a time when you had a different view with the manager.
  • Tell me about a time where you helped a peer who was struggling.
  • Dive deep. Specific question: Tell me about a time where you had to dig deep to find out a bug/problem. Explain what you did and how did you fix it.
  • Tell me a time where you had to contemplate between code quality and faster velocity.
  • Details of my latest project.
  • My typical day at office.
  • If I had a conflict and how did I resolved it.
  • How much do I face customers.
  • Did I solved any time critical issue and what was the approach/impact.
  • Why Amazon.
  • If any decesion I had taken, gone wrong and what would I would like to change if I get another chance.
  • Tell me about yourself
  • Time when you disagreed with manager
  • Time when you were not satisfied with your work
  • A suggestion you gave in your organisation
  • Time when you did something beyond your work
  • Time when you were 75% of the way through a project, and you had to pivot strategy — did you suceed or fail
  • Time when you had a complex problem, how did you solve it

DS & Algorithm

System Design

  • Design a book retail website
  • Design an online ticketing system for movies
  • Design a recommendation system for Amazon e-commerce website


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Amazon interview private zone

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